How to Implement Joystick Movement in Unity 3D?

Managing Multiple Joysticks

In certain games, it might be necessary to support multiple joysticks for multiplayer or local co-op scenarios. To handle multiple joysticks in Unity 3D, you can utilize the InputSystem.GetAllControlReadValue<T> method instead of InputSystem.GetControlReadValue<T>. This method returns an array of values corresponding to all connected joysticks.
public class MultiJoystickMovement : MonoBehaviour
public float speed 5f;

Vector2[] movementDirections;

void Update()
    // Get the horizontal and vertical axis values from all connected joysticks

movementDirections new Vector2[InputSystem.GetControlCount(Controls.HorizontalAxis)];

for (int i 0; i < movementDirections.Length; i++)

movementDirections[i] InputSystem.GetAllControlReadValue(Controls.HorizontalAxis)[i];

void FixedUpdate()
    // Calculate the average joystick input for smoother movement

Vector2 averageMovementDirection;

foreach (var direction in movementDirections)

averageMovementDirection + direction;

averageMovementDirection / movementDirections.Length;

    // Move the game object based on the averaged joystick input

transform.position + averageMovementDirection * speed * Time.deltaTime;



Implementing Different Types of Joysticks

Unity supports a variety of joysticks, including HID (Human Interface Device) joysticks and gamepad joysticks. To implement different types of joysticks, you can use the InputSystem.GetControlType<T> method to check the type of the control at runtime.
public class JoystickType : MonoBehaviour
public void OnControlEvent(InputAction.CallbackContext context)

if (context.control.type InputControlType.Action)

Debug.Log(“This is an action.”);

else if (context.control.type InputControlType.Axis1D)

Debug.Log(“This is a 1D axis.”);

else if (context.control.type InputControlType.Axis2D)

Debug.Log(“This is a 2D axis.”);



Creating Smooth and Responsive Joystick Movement

To create smooth and responsive joystick movement, you can implement techniques such as dead zone removal, inertia, and smoothing. Dead zones remove the need for small, unintentional movements by ignoring input within a certain range of values. Inertia adds a momentum effect to the character’s movement, making it feel more realistic. Smoothing reduces jerky movement by averaging the joystick input over time.
public class SmoothJoystickMovement : MonoBehaviour
public float speed 5f;

Vector2 smoothInput;

float smoothTime 0.1f;

void Update()
    // Get the joystick input

smoothInput InputSystem.GetControlReadValue(Controls.HorizontalAxis);

void FixedUpdate()
    // Remove dead zone and apply smoothing
    smoothInput  Vector2.SmoothDamp(smoothInput, smoothInput * (1 - Mathf.Abs(smoothInput.x) > 0.1f ? 0 : smoothInput.x), ref smoothTime, speed);
    // Add inertia and move the game object

smoothInput + smoothInput * Time.deltaTime * speed;

transform.position + smoothInput * Time.deltaTime;



Troubleshooting Common Issues

When implementing joystick movement in Unity 3D, you may encounter common issues such as jerky movement or incorrect input values. To troubleshoot these issues, ensure that your joystick is properly calibrated, check for dead zones and inertia settings, and verify that the Input System is correctly configured.
In conclusion, mastering joystick movement in Unity 3D requires more than just a basic understanding. By learning how to manage multiple joysticks, implementing various types of joysticks, creating smooth and responsive movement, and troubleshooting common issues, you can create captivating gaming experiences that cater to a wide range of input devices.

Troubleshooting Common Issues