How to create a character movement in Unity 3D

Understanding the Basics

The foundation of any great character movement lies in understanding Unity’s physics engine and the `CharacterController` class. These tools enable us to create realistic, responsive movements for our characters.

“The key to creating engaging character movement is making it feel intuitive and responsive,” says game developer John Doe.

Creating a Basic Movement Script

  1. Start by handling user input. This could be WASD keys or touch controls for mobile devices.

  2. Use the input to calculate the direction of movement. For example, if the player presses the ‘W’ key, the y component of the calculated direction will be 1.

  3. Apply this direction to the character’s `transform` and adjust speed with a multiplier. For instance, you might multiply the calculated direction by a movement speed variable.

  4. Don’t forget gravity! Add a force downwards to simulate it. This could be done by adding a constant force in the negative y-direction.

Adding Realism: Sprinting, Jumping, and Sliding

To make your characters feel more alive, add sprinting, jumping, and sliding mechanics. These can be achieved by modifying the movement script, adjusting speed multipliers, and using `RaycastHit` to detect ground collisions for jumping and sliding.

Adding Realism: Sprinting, Jumping, and Sliding

Optimizing Performance

To ensure smooth performance, optimize your character movement script. This could involve reducing unnecessary calculations, using coroutines for smoother movement, and profiling your script to identify bottlenecks.

For instance, instead of calculating the direction every frame, you might use a `Vector3` variable to store the last calculated direction and update it only when the player’s input changes.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Sticky Movement

If your character gets stuck on terrain, try increasing the `skinWidth` and `skinHeight` properties of the `CharacterController`. These values determine how much space around the character is considered collidable.

Jittery Movement

Jitter can be caused by inconsistent frame rates. Try using interpolation to smooth out movement. This involves gradually moving the character towards its target position over multiple frames instead of teleporting it there instantly.


Why is my character getting stuck on terrain?

Increase the `skinWidth` and `skinHeight` properties of the `CharacterController`. These values determine how much space around the character is considered collidable.

My character’s movement feels jittery, what can I do?

Use interpolation to smooth out movement. This involves gradually moving the character towards its target position over multiple frames instead of teleporting it there instantly.


Mastering character movement in Unity 3D is a journey that will elevate your games from good to great. By understanding the basics, adding realism, optimizing performance, and troubleshooting common issues, you’ll create characters that players will love to control.